* jsPDF addHTML PlugIn
* Copyright (c) 2014 Diego Casorran
* Licensed under the MIT License.
* http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license
(function (jsPDFAPI) {
'use strict';
* Renders an HTML element to canvas object which added to the PDF
* This feature requires [html2canvas](https://github.com/niklasvh/html2canvas)
* or [rasterizeHTML](https://github.com/cburgmer/rasterizeHTML.js)
* @returns {jsPDF}
* @name addHTML
* @param element {Mixed} HTML Element, or anything supported by html2canvas.
* @param x {Number} starting X coordinate in jsPDF instance's declared units.
* @param y {Number} starting Y coordinate in jsPDF instance's declared units.
* @param options {Object} Additional options, check the code below.
* @param callback {Function} to call when the rendering has finished.
* NOTE: Every parameter is optional except 'element' and 'callback', in such
* case the image is positioned at 0x0 covering the whole PDF document
* size. Ie, to easily take screenshots of webpages saving them to PDF.
* @deprecated This is being replace with a vector-supporting API. See
* [this link](https://cdn.rawgit.com/MrRio/jsPDF/master/examples/html2pdf/showcase_supported_html.html)
jsPDFAPI.addHTML = function (element, x, y, options, callback) {
'use strict';
if(typeof html2canvas === 'undefined' && typeof rasterizeHTML === 'undefined')
throw new Error('You need either '
+' or https://github.com/cburgmer/rasterizeHTML.js');
if(typeof x !== 'number') {
options = x;
callback = y;
if(typeof options === 'function') {
callback = options;
options = null;
var I = this.internal, K = I.scaleFactor, W = I.pageSize.width, H = I.pageSize.height;
options = options || {};
options.onrendered = function(obj) {
x = parseInt(x) || 0;
y = parseInt(y) || 0;
var dim = options.dim || {};
var h = dim.h || 0;
var w = dim.w || Math.min(W,obj.width/K) - x;
var format = 'JPEG';
format = options.format;
if(obj.height > H && options.pagesplit) {
var crop = function() {
var cy = 0;
while(1) {
var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = Math.min(W*K,obj.width);
canvas.height = Math.min(H*K,obj.height-cy);
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
var args = [canvas, x,cy?0:y,canvas.width/K,canvas.height/K, format,null,'SLOW'];
this.addImage.apply(this, args);
cy += canvas.height;
if(cy >= obj.height) break;
if(obj.nodeName === 'CANVAS') {
var img = new Image();
img.onload = crop;
img.src = obj.toDataURL("image/png");
obj = img;
} else {
} else {
var alias = Math.random().toString(35);
var args = [obj, x,y,w,h, format,alias,'SLOW'];
this.addImage.apply(this, args);
if(typeof html2canvas !== 'undefined' && !options.rstz) {
return html2canvas(element, options);
if(typeof rasterizeHTML !== 'undefined') {
var meth = 'drawDocument';
if(typeof element === 'string') {
meth = /^http/.test(element) ? 'drawURL' : 'drawHTML';
options.width = options.width || (W*K);
return rasterizeHTML[meth](element, void 0, options).then(function(r) {
}, function(e) {
return null;